Desecration of Historical Monuments for personal gain

Main Synagogue in Mikulov
Since 2005, Samuel Fleischman has resided in Mikulov and has served has host to delegations of Rabbis and Jews coming on pilgrimage from around the world throughout the year.
These guests as well as non-Jewish tourists come to visit the Main Synagogue and Ancient Jewish Cemetery. Both properties are currently ‘owned’ by the Jewish Community of Brno ŽOB
The Synagogue is currently being leased to the Museum of South Moravia and has been closed to the public since June 2020 “Due to Technical Reasons”. We have complained to the ŽOB, the Museum and the Mayor’s Office. However, we have yet to receive any positive reply and the Main Synagogue remains locked.
Jewish Cemetery in Mikulov
The Historic Jewish Cemetery is currently leased to the “Society of Friends of Jewish Culture in Mikulov”, a non-Jewish organization that solicits “tax exempt” donations via a fraudulent website.
This organization has prevented Jews from praying at the site during published operating hours by keeping the gates locked and not answering their phones.
However, they are open and selling admission tickets to tourists
on the Sabbath and the High Holidays of Rosh HaShannah and even Yom Kippur - in Violation of Jewish Law and a disgraceful desecration of holy sites.

In June 2006 the Jewish Community of Brno was presented with this generous offer to restore the Ceremonial Hall in the Jewish Cemetery as an educational center and construct a Mikvah for the spiritual and religious needs of our many visitors, but for unknown reasons the Brno community's leadership chose to ignore this donation, choosing instead to collect rents on the building to a well known manufacturer of ceramics. A few years later when the Brno Community evicted him for unknown reasons and failed to inform us of this and that the cemetery building's administration was quietly transferred to an organisation calling itself "Society of Friends of Jewish Culture in Mikulov" and their U.S. IRS registered for tax deductible donations from U.S. citizens calling itself "The Jewish Preservation Initiative". Both entities have ignored our countless inquiries including pledges of support and cooperation, keeping the gates locked to Jewish prayers on multiple occasions and not returning phone calls.
Several attempts have been made through the years to find a solution with leaders of the Jewish Community of Brno, but have regrettably failed thus far.