The Jewish Cemetery in Mikulov is closed to Jewish prayer, but open for business on Saturdays and even on Rosh HaShannah.
The Mikulov Synagogue has been closed to everybody since 2019
The Jewish Cemetery and its Ceremonial Hall building in Nikolsburg/Mikulov is open to the general public from May through September usually from 9am until 5pm
Entry tickets are sold daily including Saturdays, even though Jewish Law mandates that Jewish cemeteries be closed as is the case at all other Jewish cemeteries in nearby Vienna, Pressburg/Bratislava and Prague.
Jews may pray in the cemetery after 5pm and from October through April by phoning the “Society of Friends of Jewish Culture in Mikulov” at +420 to get the 4 digit code to unlock the gate. If you are unable to get an answer or the 4 digit code doesn’t work, please phone +420.777322522
Visiting Jewish groups have recently experienced a 3-4 weeks delay in arranging our signing of a time consuming, special use contract for each and every group wishing to visit.
Recently a group of Yeshiva seminary students from Israel were offered such a contract requesting a fee of 100. CZK or 15. Shekels per student for use of the Ceremonial Hall’s toilets. They refused and asked us to end this policy.
It is our hope that the Israel Minister of Heritage will arrive at an agreement with the responsible Czech state funded parties, guaranteeing visiting Jewish pilgrims unrestricted, last-minute, 24 hour, all-year access to the Ceremonial Hall building in the Jewish cemetery when visiting, praying and washing in Nikolsburg/Mikulov

In June 2006 the Jewish Community of Brno was presented with this generous offer to restore the Ceremonial Hall in the Jewish Cemetery as an educational center and construct a Mikvah for the spiritual and religious needs of our many visitors, but for unknown reasons the Brno community's leadership chose to ignore this donation, choosing instead to collect rents on the building to a well known manufacturer of ceramics. A few years later when the Brno Community evicted him for unknown reasons and failed to inform us of this and that the cemetery building's administration was quietly transferred to an organisation calling itself "Society of Friends of Jewish Culture in Mikulov" and their U.S. IRS registered for tax deductible donations from U.S. citizens calling itself "The Jewish Preservation Initiative". Both entities have ignored our countless inquiries including pledges of support and cooperation, keeping the gates locked to Jewish prayers on multiple occasions and not returning phone calls.
Several attempts have been made through the years to find a solution with leaders of the Jewish Community of Brno, but have regrettably failed thus far.